Support my hike around the world - for hope, remembrance and suicide prevention
I am hiking around the world to plant trees of remembrance - for all those we have lost to suicide and for those who are struggling in dark times right now. Every step of my journey is a sign of hope, courage and support for the bereaved and those affected.
But I cannot walk this path alone. Your help counts!
Whether through financial support or donations in kind - every gesture takes us a step further together to break the stigma surrounding suicide and give more people hope. Your donation will help me to go further and plant trees of remembrance worldwide.
Join in - together we will set an example.
Please follow me


From 17 April 2024, I will set off from Bologna, Italy, on the seventh stage of my journey around the world to continue raising awareness of depression and suicidality and to provide help where it is needed, for example after a suicide.
The tasks of the hike around the world are:
Raising awareness about mental health and suicidal behaviour
Active support after a suicide
Offering workshops at schools on suicide prevention
Raising awareness of the non-profit organisation TREES of MEMORY e.V.
Showing that depression and suicidal behaviour are not terminal illnesses
Generating press articles against the stigma of suicide
Planting trees of memory to give courage and hope
Personal coaching of suicidal people
What has been achieved in recent years and much more information can be found on this Site
In order to continue to be able to do all this, with the aim of
12 months a year, exclusively
I need your support with only
1 Euro per month.
You decide how many months you want to support me.
양도사유로 "선물 12x12"로 지원을 표시하여 할당할 수 있습니다.
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저의 런을 후원하는 것은 비영리 협회에 대한 기부가 아니라 저의 런을 지원하기 위한 세금 증여이기 때문에 기부 영수증을 받으실 수 없습니다.
다음 송금 옵션을 사용할 수 있습니다.
은행 송금:
C24 Bank - Mario Dieringer
BIC: DEFFDEFFXXX _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
IBAN: DE40 5002 4024 9296 8727 01
PayPal 이미지를 클릭하면 1000ToMs 자금 풀로 바로 이동합니다.
국제 송금 의 경우 WISE 서비스 를 사용할 수 있습니다.
취급하기 쉽고 수수료가 매우 낮으며 매우 안전합니다. 내 이메일 주소 info@treesofmemory.com으로 돈을 보낼 수 있습니다.
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